Your Website has been hacked or infected by Malware?

We Fix Any WordPress Hack and malware attack and Make Your Website Secure than ever.

Don’t worry, just request to our malware removal service and as soon as possible we will remove every kind of malicious code or malware from your website.

100% Removal Guarantee · Same Day Service

Why You Should Remove Malware Fast?

Malware damages your website. Malware remove as soon as possible before it damages brand-reputation & kills SEO. 

If your website gets infected with malware, Google may blacklist your domain and remove your site from search listings. 

Worried about cleaning your hacked website?
Our pros are here to help.

Why MNK Labs to Remove your Website Malware?

We detect and remove over 25,000+ types of malware including blacklists, infections, backdoors, spam bots, session hijacks, redirects, and many more from infected WordPress websites.

Emergency Response

Response time of 30 mins, resolution within 2 hour and average resolution in 6 hours typical.

Security Enhancements

We make sure that the root-cause of the infection is identified and the security hole plugged.

Detailed Scan

We will scan deeply to find infection in every file, even backups, archives, images, hidden files, etc.

Manual Inspection & Cleanup

We cleanup of all infected malicious and suspicious files manually inspection from the database.

Reliable Support

Consider us an extension of your team and our professional security analysts available 24/7/365.

30 Day Full Cover

WordPress Malware Removal Service cost is for a single site and it comes with a full 30-day cover.

Know the Protection of MNK Labs Security Platform.

What Exactly Is Included in This WordPress Malware Removal Service?

Repair and restore hacked websites before it damages your reputation. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee because we know we can help.

Remove Website Malware

We safely remove any malicious code, and unwanted scripts, database entries, and backdoors from your website file system and database.

Remove Blacklist Warnings

If your website is blacklisted by Google, Bing or Other Security Platform is banned, we remove all the blacklist warnings as quickly as possible.

Manual Inspection of Critical files

If the sensitive data files htaccess, WP-config, index.php are hacked via backdoor attack, we carefully audit and clean these files manually.

Database Cleanup & Repairs

Database can be a prime target for hackers to penetrate and infect your website, we clean the database, repair and optimize the database.

Repair SEO Spam

Our security specialist will take the steps required to repair SEO spam keywords, target attack and spammy link injections as quickly as possible.

WordPress Phishing

We identify the phishing scam and remove it, and we find and remove an encrypted code that gets your visitors redirected to a spam website.

WordPress Backdoor

We identify possible backdoors in your WordPress website and fix them. This could fix your vulnerability issue and prevent further hacks.

Prevent Attacks

Our website firewall (WAF) blocks attacks by filtering malicious traffic. We stop hacks and speed up your site for future by the firewall.

Protect Your Website from Hackers, Bugs and Monitor the Overall Health with MNK Labs

Website Repair and Malware Removal Process

Clean Your Website with 6 Simple Steps

Malware Removal Request

You have to connect with us and call a request to repair your website by removing malware.

Initial Baseline Scanning

After your request we immediately runs several scripts to find vulnerabilities and malware.

Quarantine and Backup Files

We automatically log every file we touch and keep secure backups before making changes.

Clean Malicious Code

We clean any hacked files, database entries and backdoors from your website immediately.

Total Removal and Review

We remove threats or security issues and we submit review requests to remove blacklists.

In-depth Cleanup Report

After removing the infection from your site, we provide a an in-depth clean-up report to you.

We Do Some Extra Job After Remove Malware

We don’t just clean your website. We do something extra job for your website to prevent future attacks and infections.

Update Your Site

Make sure your website has no known security advisories. Fix all identified security issues we will offer you to update your WordPress.

Run Antivirus Programs

Sometimes computer viruses jump into websites across rich text editors and FTP clients, we make sure it’s safe.

Change Passwords

We will prompt you to do this across your site, CMS, host, and database to secure any potentially compromised user accounts.

Configure Monitoring

We scan your website and inform you to add website content, DNS records, and SSL certificate in your website.

Make Website Backups

Our team can provide guidance or you can upgrade your plan to include affordable website backups.

Activate WAF and CDN

Activating the web application firewall keeps hackers out, while our CDN improves availability and page load time.

Compliments From Clients

Hundreds of WordPress sites and WooCommerce owners rely on us .

Our WP Support Specialists are miles ahead of their competition in terms of response, attitude, delivery and cost. Here’s our clients testimonials.

What Our Experts Says

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So you can know how to hardening and secure monitoring your website that such an event could happen again.

Do you require a custom solution or need to protect multiple sites? We offer flexible plans to meet your requirements.